System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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bs-shoutbox-pref-showage (Talk) (Translate) Show creation date of a message
bs-shoutbox-pref-showuser (Talk) (Translate) Show author of a message
bs-shoutbox-shout (Talk) (Translate) Send
bs-shoutbox-switch-description (Talk) (Translate) Hides shoutbox on this page
bs-shoutbox-title (Talk) (Translate) Shoutbox
bs-shoutbox-too-early (Talk) (Translate) Please wait a few seconds before submitting the next entry.
bs-smartlist-comment (Talk) (Translate) Comment: $1.
bs-smartlist-day (Talk) (Translate) Day
bs-smartlist-desc (Talk) (Translate) Displays the last five changes of the wiki in a list
bs-smartlist-invalid-namespaces (Talk) (Translate) The given {{PLURAL:$1|namespace is|namespaces are}} invalid: $2.
bs-smartlist-invalid-target (Talk) (Translate) The given target is not a valid page title
bs-smartlist-lastedits (Talk) (Translate) My edits
bs-smartlist-lasteditsdesc (Talk) (Translate) List of pages which you have edited.
bs-smartlist-month (Talk) (Translate) Month
bs-smartlist-mostactiveusers (Talk) (Translate) Most active users (by edits)
bs-smartlist-mostactiveusersdesc (Talk) (Translate) List of most active users sorted by their edits.
bs-smartlist-mosteditedpages (Talk) (Translate) Most edited pages
bs-smartlist-mosteditedpagesdesc (Talk) (Translate) List of most edited pages sorted by their edits.
bs-smartlist-mostvisitedpages (Talk) (Translate) Most viewed pages
bs-smartlist-mostvisitedpagesdesc (Talk) (Translate) List of most viewed pages sorted by their views.
bs-smartlist-no-entries (Talk) (Translate) No results found.
bs-smartlist-noedits (Talk) (Translate) No edits found.
bs-smartlist-pref-categories (Talk) (Translate) Categories:
bs-smartlist-pref-comments (Talk) (Translate) Show comment
bs-smartlist-pref-count (Talk) (Translate) Number of entries:
bs-smartlist-pref-namespaces (Talk) (Translate) Namespaces:
bs-smartlist-pref-order (Talk) (Translate) Order by:
bs-smartlist-pref-period (Talk) (Translate) Period:
bs-smartlist-pref-showminorchanges (Talk) (Translate) Show minor changes
bs-smartlist-pref-shownamespace (Talk) (Translate) Show page title with namespace
bs-smartlist-pref-showonlynewarticles (Talk) (Translate) Show new pages only
bs-smartlist-pref-showtext (Talk) (Translate) Show page content
bs-smartlist-pref-sort (Talk) (Translate) Sort by:
bs-smartlist-pref-trim (Talk) (Translate) Maximum length of title (in characters):
bs-smartlist-pref-trimtext (Talk) (Translate) Maximum length of page content (in characters)
bs-smartlist-recent-changes (Talk) (Translate) Recent changes
bs-smartlist-sort-asc (Talk) (Translate) ascending
bs-smartlist-sort-desc (Talk) (Translate) descending
bs-smartlist-tag-newbies-desc (Talk) (Translate) Displays the latest users.
bs-smartlist-tag-smartlist-desc (Talk) (Translate) Displays configurable information about recent changes.
bs-smartlist-tag-toplist-desc (Talk) (Translate) Displays a list of the most viewed pages.
bs-smartlist-time (Talk) (Translate) Time
bs-smartlist-title (Talk) (Translate) Title
bs-smartlist-week (Talk) (Translate) Week
bs-specialadmindashboard-label (Talk) (Translate) Dashboard
bs-statebar-ajax-nobodyviews (Talk) (Translate) No information available.
bs-statebar-desc (Talk) (Translate) Provides a status bar
bs-statebar-pref-show (Talk) (Translate) Display status bar
bs-statebar-pref-sortbodyvars (Talk) (Translate) Body order:
bs-statebar-pref-sorttopvars (Talk) (Translate) Top order:
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