System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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bs-permissionmanager-titletpled-edit (Talk) (Translate) Rename template
bs-permissionmanager-titletpled-new (Talk) (Translate) Create template
bs-permissionmanager-unsaved-changes (Talk) (Translate) There are unsaved changes. Do you really want to leave the page now? The unsaved changes will be lost.
bs-pref-anonuserimage (Talk) (Translate) Anonymous user avatar:
bs-pref-bspinginterval (Talk) (Translate) Ping interval (in seconds):
bs-pref-defaultuserimage (Talk) (Translate) Default user avatar:
bs-pref-deleteduserimage (Talk) (Translate) Deleted user avatar:
bs-pref-faviconpath (Talk) (Translate) Favicon path:
bs-pref-fileextensions (Talk) (Translate) Allowed file extensions:
bs-pref-imageextensions (Talk) (Translate) Allowed image extensions:
bs-pref-logopath (Talk) (Translate) Logo path:
bs-pref-miniprofileenforceheight (Talk) (Translate) Force height of user avatar
bs-pref-sortalph (Talk) (Translate) Sort namespaces alphabetically
bs-pref-testmode (Talk) (Translate) Activate test mode
bs-preferences-desc (Talk) (Translate) Offers the possibility to admins, to configurate the whole wiki from a single SpecialPage
bs-preferences-label (Talk) (Translate) Preferences
bs-readonly (Talk) (Translate) The database is currently locked to new entries and other modifications, probably for routine database maintenance, after which it will be back to normal. The administrator who locked it offered this explanation: $1
bs-responsibleeditors-assignededitors (Talk) (Translate) Assigned editors
bs-responsibleeditors-availableeditors (Talk) (Translate) Available editors
bs-responsibleeditors-cbnamespacesemptytext (Talk) (Translate) Select a namespace
bs-responsibleeditors-cmchangerespeditors (Talk) (Translate) Change responsible editors
bs-responsibleeditors-columneesponsibleeditornotset (Talk) (Translate) Not assigned
bs-responsibleeditors-columnnamespace (Talk) (Translate) Namespace
bs-responsibleeditors-columnpage (Talk) (Translate) Page
bs-responsibleeditors-columnresponsibleeditor (Talk) (Translate) Responsible editors
bs-responsibleeditors-contentactions-label (Talk) (Translate) Change responsibility
bs-responsibleeditors-desc (Talk) (Translate) Enables MediaWiki to manage responsible editors for pages
bs-responsibleeditors-error-ajax-invalid-parameter (Talk) (Translate) Invalid values provided.
bs-responsibleeditors-error-ajax-not-allowed (Talk) (Translate) Access denied. You are not authorized to perform this action.
bs-responsibleeditors-error-specialpage-given-article-does-not-exist (Talk) (Translate) The given page does not exist.
bs-responsibleeditors-mail-subject-former-editor (Talk) (Translate) Responsibility for "$1" revoked
bs-responsibleeditors-mail-subject-new-editor (Talk) (Translate) Responsibility for "$1" assigned
bs-responsibleeditors-mail-subject-re-article-changed (Talk) (Translate) The page "$1" has been {{GENDER:$2|edited}} by $3
bs-responsibleeditors-mail-subject-re-article-deleted (Talk) (Translate) The page "$1" has been {{GENDER:$2|deleted}} by $3
bs-responsibleeditors-mail-subject-re-article-moved (Talk) (Translate) The page "$1" has been {{GENDER:$2|moved}} by $3
bs-responsibleeditors-mail-text-former-editor (Talk) (Translate) $2 {{GENDER:$1|revoked}} the responsibility for the page "$3". The new {{PLURAL:$5|responsible editor is|responsible editors are}}: $4. After logging into the wiki you can open the page with this link: $6. If you have any questions please refer to $2.
bs-responsibleeditors-mail-text-new-editor (Talk) (Translate) $2 {{GENDER:$1|assigned}} you to "$3". After logging into the wiki you can open the page with this link: $4. If you have any questions please refer to $2.
bs-responsibleeditors-mail-text-re-article-changed (Talk) (Translate) The page "$1" for which you are assigned as a responsible editor has been {{GENDER:$2|edited}} by $3. After logging into the wiki you can open the page with this link: $4
bs-responsibleeditors-mail-text-re-article-deleted (Talk) (Translate) The page "$1" for which you are assigned as a responsible editor has been {{GENDER:$2|deleted}} by $3. After logging into the wiki you can open the page with this link: $4
bs-responsibleeditors-mail-text-re-article-moved (Talk) (Translate) The page "$1" for which you are assigned as a responsible editor has been {{GENDER:$3|moved}} to "$2" by $4. After logging into the wiki you can open the page with this link: $5
bs-responsibleeditors-no-own-responsibilities (Talk) (Translate) There are no pages which you are the responsible editor for.
bs-responsibleeditors-pref-activatednamespaces (Talk) (Translate) Enabled namespaces:
bs-responsibleeditors-pref-autoassignonarticlecreation (Talk) (Translate) Automatically assign on page creation
bs-responsibleeditors-pref-autopermissions (Talk) (Translate) Automatic assignment of rights:
bs-responsibleeditors-pref-echange (Talk) (Translate) Notify when page has been changed
bs-responsibleeditors-pref-edelete (Talk) (Translate) Notify when page has been deleted
bs-responsibleeditors-pref-emailnotificationonresponsibilitychange (Talk) (Translate) Notify on responsibility change
bs-responsibleeditors-pref-emove (Talk) (Translate) Notify when page has been moved
bs-responsibleeditors-pref-responsibleeditormaychangeassignment (Talk) (Translate) Add pages to responsible editors' watchlists
bs-responsibleeditors-rbdisplaymodeall (Talk) (Translate) Show all pages
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