System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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bs-extjs-label-user (Talk) (Translate) User
bs-extjs-loading (Talk) (Translate) Loading...
bs-extjs-no (Talk) (Translate) No
bs-extjs-ok (Talk) (Translate) Ok
bs-extjs-pageSize (Talk) (Translate) Page size
bs-extjs-portal-config (Talk) (Translate) Configure portlet:
bs-extjs-portal-count (Talk) (Translate) Entries
bs-extjs-portal-height (Talk) (Translate) Height
bs-extjs-portal-timespan (Talk) (Translate) Timespan
bs-extjs-portal-timespan-alltime (Talk) (Translate) All time
bs-extjs-portal-timespan-month (Talk) (Translate) Month
bs-extjs-portal-timespan-week (Talk) (Translate) Week
bs-extjs-portal-title (Talk) (Translate) Portlet title
bs-extjs-remove (Talk) (Translate) Remove
bs-extjs-reset (Talk) (Translate) Reset
bs-extjs-rssfeeder-rss-title (Talk) (Translate) RSS URL
bs-extjs-save (Talk) (Translate) Save
bs-extjs-saving (Talk) (Translate) saving...
bs-extjs-title-success (Talk) (Translate) Success
bs-extjs-title-warning (Talk) (Translate) Warning
bs-extjs-upload (Talk) (Translate) Upload
bs-extjs-uploading (Talk) (Translate) Uploading...
bs-extjs-warning (Talk) (Translate) Warning
bs-extjs-yes (Talk) (Translate) Yes
bs-filesystemhelper-file-already-exists (Talk) (Translate) The file <code>$1</code> already exists.
bs-filesystemhelper-file-copy-error (Talk) (Translate) The file <code>$1</code> could not be copied.
bs-filesystemhelper-file-delete-error (Talk) (Translate) The file <code>$1</code> could not be deleted.
bs-filesystemhelper-file-not-exists (Talk) (Translate) The file <code>$1</code> does not exist.
bs-filesystemhelper-folder-already-exists (Talk) (Translate) The folder <code>$1</code> already exists.
bs-filesystemhelper-folder-copy-error (Talk) (Translate) The folder <code>$1</code> could not be renamed.
bs-filesystemhelper-folder-not-exists (Talk) (Translate) The folder <code>$1</code> does not exist.
bs-filesystemhelper-folder-rename-error (Talk) (Translate) The folder <code>$1</code> could not be renamed to <code>$2</code>.
bs-filesystemhelper-has-path-traversal (Talk) (Translate) Path traversal detected!
bs-filesystemhelper-no-directory (Talk) (Translate) <code>$1</code> is not a valid directory.
bs-filesystemhelper-save-base64-error (Talk) (Translate) The file could not be saved.
bs-filesystemhelper-upload-base64-error (Talk) (Translate) The file could not be uploaded.
bs-filesystemhelper-upload-err-code (Talk) (Translate) The file could not be uploaded: $1
bs-filesystemhelper-upload-local-error-create (Talk) (Translate) The file could not be created in the wiki.
bs-filesystemhelper-upload-local-error-stash-file (Talk) (Translate) The file could not be moved to the upload stash.
bs-filesystemhelper-upload-unsupported-type (Talk) (Translate) This file type is not supported.
bs-filesystemhelper-upload-wrong-ext (Talk) (Translate) The file does not have the required extension: $1.
bs-flexiskin-api-data-desc (Talk) (Translate) A data array (optional).
bs-flexiskin-api-desc (Talk) (Translate) API interface for the Bluespice extension Flexiskin.
bs-flexiskin-api-error-invalid-action (Talk) (Translate) This action does not exist.
bs-flexiskin-api-error-missing-param (Talk) (Translate) The following parameter is missing: "$1"
bs-flexiskin-api-error-save (Talk) (Translate) An error occurred while trying to save. Reason: "$1"
bs-flexiskin-api-example-desc (Talk) (Translate) Returns the current configuration of a Flexiskin.
bs-flexiskin-api-id-desc (Talk) (Translate) The ID if the Flexiskin (optional).
bs-flexiskin-api-mode-desc (Talk) (Translate) The actions mode, e.g. "config". Default is "flexiskin".
bs-flexiskin-api-preview-desc (Talk) (Translate) Choose to display the preview mode or not (optional).
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