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49 bytes removed, 16:27, 22 June 2018
/* RV-TDT */
__NOTITLE__ ==RV-TDT==<pre>### Variant Annotation
vtools init rvtdt
vtools import --format vcf data/data.vcf --build hg19
vtools export func_variant --format tped --samples 'phenotype is not null' &gt; vat_raw.tped
# set marker name as chr_pos, needs to avoid duplicate name
sort -k4 -n vat_raw.tped | awk 'BEGIN{OFS&#61;="\t";prev&#61;="None";copy&#61;=1} {$2&#61;=$1"_"$4; $3&#61;=0; if($2&#61;&#61;==prev) {$2&#61;=$2"_"copy; copy&#61;=copy+1} else {prev&#61;=$2; copy&#61;=1}; print $0}' &gt; vat_export.tped
vtools phenotype --out family sample_name pid mid sex phenotype &gt; vat_export.tfam
vtools use refGene-hg19_20130904
vtools update func_variant --set 'maf&#61;=0.001' # set the maf to be 0.001
vtools select func_variant -o chr pos refGene.name2 maf --header &gt; vat_export.anno
### Phasing Trio
plink --noweb --tfile vat_export --recode12 --me 1 1 --set-me-missing --out "recode12_noME"
sort -n -k1 -k6 -k2 recode12_noME.ped | sed 's/ /\t/g' | cut -f1,3,4,5 --complement &gt; linkage.ped cut -f2 | awk 'BEGIN{OFS&#61;="\t";} {print "M",$0}' | sed '1i\I\tid\nA\tDisease' &gt; linkage.dat
java -Xmx10000m -jar java/linkage2beagle.jar linkage.dat linkage.ped &gt; pre_beagle.bgl
python script/ -i pre_beagle.bgl -a pre_beagle_withMissing.bgl
java -Xmx10000m -jar java/beagle.jar missing&#61;=0 trios&#61;=pre_beagle.bgl out&#61;=bgl_phased verbose&#61;=false redundant&#61;=true
gunzip bgl_phased.pre_beagle.bgl.phased.gz