
Revision as of 02:51, 22 February 2020 by Serveradmin (Talk | contribs)

Running Tutorials on Your Computer

We have adopted docker to run our course material since Fall 2019. We have created various docker repositories with source material freely available from github for users to readily setup and reproduce our tutorials on their own computers. These docker images can also be used as production tool to run relevant software on your computer (Mac, Linux or Windows) for your own data analysis. In this section we will discuss how to set it up and run course materials on your computer, using these docker images and optionally a utility script we created to streamline various docker commands.


Software you need to install on your computer are SoS (a workflow system to run our course utility script) and docker.

Mac and Linux users

SoS requires Python 3.6+ to run. It is recommended that you install Miniconda to run Python 3 if you don't have it already. Once you have Python 3 installed, simply type pip install sos to install SoS, or, check out here for alternative installation methods if you have troubles with that command.

To install docker please follow our instruction here.

Additionally please download our utility script src/statgen-setup to your PATH and change it to executable, eg, chmod +x ~/bin/statgen-setup if you put it under ~/bin which is part of your PATH. To verify your setup, type:

statgen-setup -h

you should see some meaningful output.

Windows users

Running these tutorials in Windows is currently not supported. Although in principle these docker images will also work in Windows, this has not yet been tested out and we are unable to provide sure instructions to setting it up. The utility script "statgen-setup" that we provide will certainly need adjustments (though minor) to work with Windows.

Material and instructions for specific exercise are listed in each section below (only those using statgen-setup command are relevant to our docker based tutorials).



To run the exercise from docker image provided,

statgen-setup login --tutorial annovar

The "statgen-setup" script is available here and can be installed following these instructions.

Annovar MEndelian

Cochran Armitage Trend Test


Software Links

Result Files


To run the exercise from docker image provided,

statgen-setup login --tutorial gemini

The "statgen-setup" script is available here and can be installed following these instructions.


To install from packages, follow the configuration steps above and run the following command.

sudo apt-get install genabel-tutorial

The exercise's files will then be installed in the folder /home/shared/genabel. You can run from there or copy the files into your user's home directory and proceed with the exercise.


To install from packages, follow the configuration steps above and run the following command.

sudo apt-get install genehunter-tutorial

The exercise's files will then be installed in the folder /home/shared/genehunter. You can run from there or copy the files into your user's home directory and proceed with the exercise.

GWAS: Data Quality Control

Installing Packages

To install from packages, follow the configuration steps above and run the following command.

sudo apt-get install plink-tutorial

The exercise's files will then be installed in the folder /home/shared/Plink_DataQC. You can run from there or copy the files into your user's home directory and proceed with the exercise.

GWAS: Association Analysis Controlling for Population Substructure

Installing Packages

To install from packages, follow the configuration steps above and run the following command.

sudo apt-get install plink-tutorial

The exercise's files will then be installed in the folder /home/shared/Plink_substructure. You can run from there or copy the files into your user's home directory and proceed with the exercise.

Homozygosity Mapper


To run the exercise from docker image provided,

statgen-setup login --tutorial igv

The "statgen-setup" script is available here and can be installed following these instructions.


To run the exercise from docker image provided,

statgen-setup login --tutorial mlink

The "statgen-setup" script is available here and can be installed following these instructions.

Population Genetics

To run the exercise from docker image provided,

statgen-setup login --tutorial popgen

The "statgen-setup" script is available here and can be installed following these instructions.


To run the exercise from docker image provided,

statgen-setup login --tutorial pseq

The "statgen-setup" script is available here and can be installed following these instructions.


To run the exercise from docker image provided,

statgen-setup login --tutorial regression

The "statgen-setup" script is available here and can be installed following these instructions.


Installing Packages

To install from packages, follow the configuration steps above and run the following command.

sudo apt-get install rvtdt-tutorial

The exercise's files will then be installed in the folder /home/shared/rvtdt. You can run from there or copy the files into your user's home directory and proceed with the exercise.


To install from packages, follow the configuration steps above and run the following command.

sudo apt-get install seqlinkage-tutorial

The exercise's files will then be installed in the folder /home/shared/seqlinkage. You can run from there or copy the files into your user's home directory and proceed with the exercise.


Installing Packages

To install from packages, follow the configuration steps above and run the following command.

sudo apt-get install seqspark-tutorial

The exercise's files will then be installed in the folder /home/shared/seqspark. You can run from there or copy the files into your user's home directory and proceed with the exercise.In order for the commands to work correctly, you don't need to reboot, but you should log out and log back in to make sure that the computer's environment is correctly configured.


To run the exercise from docker image provided,

statgen-setup login --tutorial slink

The "statgen-setup" script is available here and can be installed following these instructions.


Variant Association Tools

To run the exercise from docker image provided,

statgen-setup login --tutorial vat

The "statgen-setup" script is available here and can be installed following these instructions.

VAT Mendelian

To install from packages, follow the configuration steps above and run the following command.

sudo apt-get install vtools-mendelian-tutorial

The exercise's files will then be installed in the folder /home/shared/vat. You can run from there or copy the files into your user's home directory and proceed with the exercise.

Last modified on 22 February 2020, at 02:51