

MDC, Berlin, September 16-20, 2024


Please fill out this page and submit it by e-mail to  

Please simply paste the form into the body of an e-mail and fill it out.


First name: ____________________________________________________


Last name: ____________________________________________________


Title: ____________________________________________________


Company / University __________________________________________________


Department: __________________________________________________________


Address: ____________________________________________________________










Tel. number: _________________________________________________________


E-mail: _____________________________________________________________


Highest degree(s)______________________________________________________




Are you a

________pre-doctoral student _________post-doctoral fellow, ______faculty or _________other (please specify ____________________)


Will you need a visa to enter Germany in order to attend the course?  (__) yes (__) no


If you will need a visa to attend the course, please give the address for the German consulate where you will be applying for a visa.  We will provide you with a letter to aid you with your visa application













Special Interests (e.g., Bipolar Disease, asthma, method development, etc.)








Applications are accepted on a "first come, first served" basis. Applications will be accepted after the due date; if the course is filled, the applicant will be placed on the waiting list.


Payments directions: Please send no money now. Applicants accepted for the course will receive payment instructions.